Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters | Corporate Office Address, Phone Contact

By | March 21, 2023

Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters, located at 39550 Orchard Hill Pl, Novi, MI 48375, USA, is a leading global supplier of systems and components for the automotive industry. It is committed to delivering innovative solutions that enhance vehicle performance, reliability and safety. The company has a network of manufacturing facilities, sales offices and technical centers located in 22 countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific.

Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters is committed to providing solutions that meet the highest standards of quality and safety. The company has a strong commitment to research and development, with the goal of continuously improving its products and services. In addition, it holds several certifications, including ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. It also has a number of awards and recognitions for its commitment to sustainability, including the Automotive News PACE Award.

Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters Address, Phone and Contact Details

Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters

39550 Orchard Hill Pl, Novi, MI 48375, USA

Phone: 248-596-5900 is the phone number for Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters. To contact them, call this number and ask to be directed to their corporate office. If you are looking for general information, you can ask the operator for the headquarters department.

Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters is located at 39550 Orchard Hill Pl, Novi, MI 48375, USA. It is the global headquarters for Cooper Standard Automotive, a leading supplier of automotive components and systems. The headquarters features a modern office space, as well as a state-of-the-art research and development center. The facility is home to a variety of teams that support the company’s automotive efforts, including engineering, product development, finance, and customer service. Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters is committed to providing the highest quality products and services to its customers.

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Cooper Standard Automotive Corporate Headquarters Executive Team

The Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters Executive Team is made up of experienced professionals with a diverse range of skills and experience. The team is led by Jeffrey Edwards, President and Chief Executive Officer, and consists of four Vice Presidents:

• Stephen Hansel, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
• Ryan J. Novak, Vice President of Human Resources
• John S. West, Vice President of Global Purchasing and Logistics
• Michael J. Blye, Vice President of Global Business Development

Cooper Standard Automotive Headquarters Location & Directions

About Cooper Standard Automotive

Cooper Standard Automotive is a leading global supplier of automotive components, systems and services. They specialize in the design, engineering and manufacturing of rubber and plastic components, fluid handling systems and anti-vibration systems for use in the automotive industry. They are committed to providing innovative solutions that enable their customers to reduce costs, improve performance and maximize the value of their products. With a presence in over 20 countries, Cooper Standard Automotive remains at the forefront of automotive technology.

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