Southern California Edison Headquarters | Corporate Office Address, Phone Contact

By | March 20, 2023

The Southern California Edison Headquarters is located at 2244 Walnut Grove Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770, USA. Established in 1886, Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utility companies, supplying energy to more than 15 million people in Central, Coastal, and Southern California. The Headquarter is responsible for the management of the company’s operations, providing strategic direction and oversight for the company’s business across the state.

Southern California Edison Headquarters Address, Phone and Contact Details

Southern California Edison Headquarters

2244 Walnut Grove Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770, USA

Phone: 800-655-4555 is the phone number for Southern California Edison’s corporate office and headquarters. If you need to contact their customer service, you may use this number. Additionally, this number can be used if you have a question or concern about a service or product from Southern California Edison.

Southern California Edison’s headquarters is located at 2244 Walnut Grove Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770, USA. Founded in 1917, Southern California Edison is one of the largest electric utilities in the United States, providing electricity to over 5 million customers in Central, Coastal, and Southern California. The headquarters, located in the city of Rosemead, is the main hub for the company’s operations and serves as the office of the President and CEO of the company. The building is approximately 200,000 square feet and houses offices, conference rooms, and other facilities.

Southern California Edison Corporate Headquarters Executive Team

The Southern California Edison Headquarters Executive Team is a group of key individuals who lead and direct the company. The group is responsible for setting the company’s overall strategy, objectives, and priorities. The Executive Team consists of the following members:

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Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer: Pedro J. Pizarro
Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President: Pedro Pizarro
Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President: Ronald Litzinger
Executive Vice President and General Counsel: Geisha J. Williams
Executive Vice President of External Affairs: Maritza Fairbanks
Executive Vice President of Regulatory Affairs: Richard B. Rosenblum
Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Corporate Services: Marybel Batjer
Executive Vice President of Power Delivery: Pete Dietrich

Southern California Edison Headquarters Location & Directions

About Southern California Edison

Southern California Edison (SCE) is a public utility providing electricity to an estimated 15 million people across a 50,000-square-mile service area in Central, Coastal, and Southern California. It is one of the largest electric utilities in the United States and serves the majority of the population of California. SCE has been providing reliable power since its founding in 1906. The company also offers energy efficiency programs to help customers save energy and money.

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